This is usually something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_XXXXXX\depot_XXXXXX. Once the download is complete, it should say so along with the temporary local directory in which the depot has been stored. Back up your existing game folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS II.Turn off auto-updates in Steam by right-clicking Dark Souls II in your library > Properties > Updates > set "Automatic Updates" to "Only update this game when I launch it" (or change the value for AutoUpdateBehavior to 1 in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_236430.acf).It is most likely unrelated to the downpatching process.
You can ignore any other information displayed in console.
You can confirm this by checking Steam's network usage in either the Downloads tab in Steam or via Task Manager. Note: There is no progress bar of the download in Steam, but it is still downloading in the background.
Insert the string of the depot you wish to download. Open the Steam console by typing the following string: steam://open/console, Steam should now open in Console Mode.
Note that you have to launch SteamDepotDownpatcher.exe again whenever you restart Steam if you want to download a depot.
Download the latest release of Steam Manifest Patcher. The best way to downpatch the game is to use the Steam Console to download various depots containing previous versions of the game.Īll categories that use an older version of the game use game Version 1.02 Regulation 1.05 Tutorial I never played modded ds2, but i have a lot of experience in modding skyrim, ds3, stalker games, etc.Downpatching is a method in Dark_Souls_II to return the game to a previous version. Now for skyboxes, you will install IGP11, open it and select ds2 and set the executable path, then you will copy the skybox files from nexus on the override folder, you will launch the game from here now. The enb, probably the most simple step, just copy all the files from Kalicolas ENB preset, then copy d3d9.dll from enbdev zipped folder and paste in the game directory. For Augur of darkness, open UXM select DarkSoulsII.exe, click unpack, and when it's done patch, then extract the 4 folders and a file from the zipped archive on the game directory, overwrite all.